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Tannour Bread

This is the original daily bread of Syria which is still made in Damascus and many parts of rural Syria.

The bread is baked in a special barrel-shaped oven mould which is hand made from red earth and hay with an inner plaster layer.

The dough is rolled out into a thin circular shape and stuck onto the inner surface of the oven with a special handle, and is left to bake for less than a minute.


Post Comment
  • 4/January/2020 - We can buy this bread here in Sweden I like it very much

  • 30/August/2017 - اطيب واشهى خبز بالعالم القوت اليوم والاساسي للغني والفقير الله يديمك ويحميكي ياشام

  • 15/July/2015 - اطييييب خبز

  • 11/June/2015 - الله يديملنا هالبلد ويحميها ﻷن اللي ماله تاريخ ماله شي