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Ahmad Al-Eish


Al-Ghazzi Sweets

Born in 1972, Damascus, Midan



Come from a family of 12 children, 8 boys and 4 girls.
All 8 brothers work in Syrian sweet making for the past 20 years taking over from the father.
Working in the family business meant that Ahmad studied only to 9th grade.

Ethics & Aspiration

My brothers and I work with the same heart and I hope that this will remain within our children.
I aspire to work in good faith to satisfy God and the people and to develop this business and start exporting our products.

Damascus Old City

Damascus old city is the root and scent of the grandfathers, and I am very proud of this history.


My hobbies include swimming and weightlifting, and I also like browsing the internet.

Favorite Joke or Proverb

Favourite Joke:
“A very sweet man married a very sweet woman and they had a sticky child”
"واحد حلو كتير تجوز وحدة حلوة كتير فجابو ولد مدبّق"

Favourite Proverb:
“He who does not oversee the birth of his goat gets a donkey”
"يلي ما بيحضر ولادة عنزتو بتجبلو كر"


Post Comment
  • 11/January/2015 - I think you are my cousin my uncle's name is Yaseen Esh . May Allah bless you .

  • 14/March/2013 - الله يجمعنا فيك يا أبو باسل