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Dandana Restaurant

Arnous, Al-Mahdi Bin Barakeh Street, Damascus, Syria
Dandana Restaurant is located in Arnous area in New Damascus. It serves dishes from the oriental and fusion cuisines for breakfast, lunch and dinner in addition to soft drinks. The restaurant opens everyday around the clock and it offers shisha. It also hosts special social occasions like birthdays and parties.


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  • 22/February/2016 - يقدم مطعم دندنة المأكولات الحلبية المتنوعة بأجود أنواع اللحوم والخضراوات والذوق الرفيع في التقديم والضيافة بالإضافة للأركيلة المتميزة بأروع أنواع المعسل الفاخر