Concert by Nour Khoury Damascus Life, Musicals July 2020 Location: Zawaya Art Gallery The concert was held at 10 and 11 July with the participation of Ola Mahfoud. Al the proceeds of this event was return entirely to the Syrian families affected by the current situations....
Ethnotronica Musical Performance Damascus Life, Musicals November 2019 Location: Zawaya Art Gallery The ensemble: Khaled Bahnasi, Mahdi Almahdi, Christina Eshak, Ahmed Iskandarani.
Concert 'Tree of Hope' Damascus Life, Musicals June 2019 Location: Holy Cross Church The concert was held by The School of John the Damascene Choir.
Christmas Evening 'Luna and You and Christmas' Damascus Life, Musicals December 2016 Location: Holy Cross Church The evening was held by Luna Choir led by Husam Brimo.